Grab your slot!​

Ready to Refresh? Secure Your Ice Bath Spot Instantly!


Booking Procedure

Customers interested in booking an ice bath session are required to fill out the booking form on our website. The form collects essential information including the customer’s full name, contact number, and email address. This information is crucial for us to communicate with the customer, confirm the booking, and provide any necessary updates.

After receiving the booking request, our team will contact the customer via the provided email address or phone number to confirm the booking and discuss available dates and times. In case the requested time slot is unavailable, we will propose alternative options to accommodate the customer’s schedule.

Once the customer agrees on a suitable date and time for the ice bath session, we will finalize the booking by sending a confirmation email or text message. This confirmation will include the session details, such as the date, time, location, and any specific instructions or requirements for the session. We may also include a reminder about what to bring and how to prepare for the ice bath experience. Customers are advised to review the confirmation carefully and inform us promptly if any changes or adjustments are needed.

Payment for the ice bath session can be made either in cash or by card. After the session is completed, customers will have the choice to settle the payment using their preferred method. Our team will be equipped to process card payments on-site, providing a convenient and secure option for those who prefer electronic transactions. For those who prefer cash, exact change is appreciated. A receipt will be provided upon successful payment.

To Do

Drink plenty of water before the ice bath session. Proper hydration can help regulate your body temperature and prevent dehydration during the cold exposure. Being well-hydrated also supports your overall health and helps your body adapt better to stressors like cold exposure.

Engage in light physical activity or dynamic stretching to warm up your body before the ice bath. This helps increase blood circulation and prepares your muscles for the cold shock. A short warm-up can help minimize the initial discomfort when you enter the ice bath and may enhance the benefits of the cold exposure.

Practice deep and controlled breathing exercises before getting into the ice bath. Deep breathing can help relax your body and reduce stress. It can also help you manage the shock of the cold water, allowing you to stay in the ice bath longer and derive more benefits from the experience. Techniques like Wim Hof breathing or simple deep inhales and exhales can be effective.